Workplace biases are judgments or assumptions we make about others based on our personal beliefs and feelings. These biases can be conscious or unconscious, and they can impact our decision-making in the workplace.

We all have biases, but it’s essential to be aware of them so that we can combat them. These biases can lead to discrimination and exclusion in the workplace if left unchecked.
So, how can we recognize and confront workplace biases? Keep reading to find out!
Common Types of Workplace Biases
Workplace biases can negatively impact productivity, morale, and even company profits. But what are some common workplace biases?
Workplace bias can significantly impact the lives of people in different groups. It can lead to discrimination, exclusion, and unfair treatment. By being aware of the different types of bias, you can identify and confront them when they occur. In the process, you can create a more positive and productive work environment for everyone involved.
Racial Bias
It's no secret that racial bias exists in the workplace and can significantly impact people of all races. Racial bias can manifest itself in several ways at work, including discrimination in hiring, promotion, working conditions, etc. This bias adversely affects employees' abilities to do their job well or feel respected within the company culture.
Gender Bias
Gender bias can take many forms, from pay disparities to denying promotions or opportunities. It's a problem that affects everyone but is particularly harmful to women in male-dominated industries.
Affinity Bias
Affinity bias is the tendency of people to prefer working with those who are similar to them, which can lead to an exclusive environment. This can lead to homogeneous teams, making it hard to connect with the team and create a non-collaborative environment.
Confirmation Bias
Confirmation bias is the tendency of people to filter information in a way that confirms their biases. This can lead to faulty decision-making in the workplace, as people are not considering all the relevant factors. Confirmation bias often results in individuals making hasty or ill-informed judgments due to haste or an emotional attachment to a particular viewpoint.
Attribution Bias
Attribution bias is the unconscious process of assigning causality to events, things, or qualities. It's often referred to as the attributional loop-the idea that attitudes and behaviors are determined by an individual's prior experiences and evaluations. Attribution bias can also lead to discriminating against people in our group- for instance, thinking that talented women don't deserve promotions because they're not pretty enough.
Age Bias
Age bias in the workplace refers to discrimination against employees based on age. Although this bias is not limited to any particular demographic, it affects people of older age the most.
Authority Bias
Authority bias can have damaging effects on our decision-making process. We are more likely to trust and obey someone in a position of power, regardless of their qualifications or the validity of their information. This bias can lead us to make bad decisions, as experts are not always right. To counteract this bias, we must question authority figures and think for ourselves.
Halo and Horn Effect
The halo effect is an unconscious bias in which people attribute positive qualities to someone or something, even when they don't deserve them. This often affects people in the workplace - those in management positions are usually assumed to be better leaders, for example.
The horn effect is a natural tendency of humans to focus more on the negative aspects of someone's performance. It can often lead to unfair evaluations and damage the person's reputation.
3 Ways to Recognize Workplace Biases
Workplace biases are everywhere, and they can be frustrating. Thankfully, there are ways to identify them.
It can be challenging to combat biases in the workplace, but it's essential to do so if you want to feel comfortable and respected. Here are three ways to start:
It could be a bias against you if you feel like you're the only one being asked to do specific tasks. Ask around and see if anyone else has the same issue.
Be aware of your personal biases and how they might impact your work decisions. For instance, if you're a critical person, take a moment to challenge yourself before passing judgment.
Look for patterns in who is being treated unfairly or not given opportunities. For example, if you notice that people not from your culture are being given more options than those who are, that could be biased.
Strategies to Combat Workplace Biases
Workplace bias is a problem that affects everyone, no matter their experience or qualifications.
Once you've identified the bias, you need to speak up and confront it head-on! This will help challenge the bias and make the workplace more inclusive. It's important to remember that workplace biases can be conscious or unconscious. If you can identify and challenge bias, in the moment, you can start to change how people view your team or department. As long as you're vocal and persistent in your efforts, you'll be on your way to creating a genuinely inclusive workplace for all!
If you experience bias in the workplace, speak up -- it's as simple as saying, "I think there's a bias here...." and state what you've seen or experienced. Be an advocate for change and support diversity, equity, and inclusion through your actions.
Finally, it's essential to be educated on the different types of bias that exist in the workplace. This way, you can understand the root of the problem and take the necessary steps to address it.
Article by Njumele Rollack, Njumele Patrick-Rollack, Njumele Patrick